Thursday, September 27, 2012


The Pacific Northwest is a great place to live. This is so for many, many reasons. One particularly relevant reason is produce. You're doubtlessly familiar with our apples. (Still eating Red Delicious? Yeah, SO LAST CENTURY. The Honeycrisp is the new it variety.) Cherries are another fantastic Washington crop. There will be time enough to add red pepper to those crops in the future; today is about pears.

Why pears? Because a co-worker brought pears to work. Is the direction of this blog really so arbitrary? Yes. But there were very good pears. So good that I couldn't settle for just one, but had to have a pair of pears. Here's a look at the second pear, pre-paring:

And now the pared pear (not paired with wine):


This was a tasty pear. Crisp, fresh, delicious. 'Nuff said.


I confess a touch of trepidation following my last red peppering of fruit. But on the bright side, no matter how bad the red-peppered portion, there's 3/4 of a delicious pear waiting for me. That consolation proved needless, though, for the pear proved to be no better, no worse with red pepper. Part of that, I think is the form of the red pepper. I got the distinct impression that the verdict would be much more favorable were the pear cooked and on a pizza. Alas, that will have to wait (unless any coworkers reading this want to bring in a pear pizza for me?).

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