I trust that I need not explain to you the flavor of a fresh banana. This one was slightly overripe to my taste. (But then, I prefer slightly underripe bananas. Hence the common man’s “ripe” banana is this author’s “overripe” banana. But I digress.) Still, it’s a banana.
At first, I failed to note any difference. “Should I add more red pepper?” I wondered to myself. But then I caught the faint hint of spiciness. Spicy banana. That worked for me. Then I finally got some red pepper flavor. That did not work for me. The flavors of banana and red pepper are not, shall we say, complements. (Nor, would I think, are they compliments – if someone says “You’re so red pepper flavor!” or “You’re so banana flavor!” they aren’t likely to be offering a statement of praise. I may be wrong on this, though.)
A fresh banana is NOT better with red pepper. Worse, actually. Spicy fresh banana = good; red pepper flavored fresh banana = bad.
Why would you combine something so delicious (red pepper) with something so foul (bananas)? Go red pepper! It is just awesome flaky goodness.