Today, I christen the blog with sesame glazed chicken. Healthy Choice Sesame Glazed Chicken, to be precise. (For what I hope are obvious reasons, this christening is unlike a ship christening (i.e., I did not break a bottle of sesame glaze against my monitor) or the christening of a child (i.e., there is no theological component to this post - if you see one, you're missing the point badly)).

This photo shows the entree's original "clothing" as well as the red-peppered compartment (right) and non-red-peppered compartment (left, for those lacking even modest deductive reasoning skills).
The dish is not without its charm. Fresh-seeming vegetables, decently tender chicken, whole grain rice. Not your grandmother's frozen meal. That is to say, it is unlikely to be confused with cardboard in blind taste-testing. The sauce though, it tastes like sweet. Not just "tastes sweet" but "tastes like sweet. There's not much else going on, flavor-wise. It's missing a certain je ne sais quoi. But perhaps I do sais quoi.
At last! Flavor! Spice! Now this sauce has something to recommend it and is worthy of a lunch.
This is not a close call. Healthy Choice Sesame Glazed Chicken is BETTER WITH RED PEPPER. Yes, yes, I know. An Asian-themed entree is better with red pepper. Shocking. But it's a starting point for the blog; not every entry will be so obvious.
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